Monica is an organisational development consultant, coach and facilitator with 27 years of corporate experience. She specialises in emotional intelligence, trust-based client relationships, positive leadership and the psychology of change.
Monica began her career with Barclays Bank working in retail and corporate banking. She then joined KPMG Consulting where, as a senior manager, she ran performance improvement and change programs across Europe.
After 10 years of management roles, Monica helps leaders navigate the emotional and psychological aspects of implementing change and transformation programs. Through a combination of consulting, coaching and training, she creates the conditions to identify and gently deactivate blockages to change, as well as generating empathy and collaboration networks to support sustained change. Monica’s blend of psychological knowledge and practical business experience allows her to both work at a deeper level and to rapidly see progress. As part of her consulting projects, she often works with C-suite executive teams, providing team and individual coaching to underpin the desired organisational changes.
Monica holds a BA/MA in Psychological and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, a BA (Hons) in European Business Administration from Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICADE) in Madrid and an MBA from London Business School. She is certified to use the following psychological profiles: HOGAN, MBTI, DISC, TotalSDI, Advantycs Diagnostic, NEO-PIR and the Emotional Intelligence questionnaires EQ-I and MSCEIT.
Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, German

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